#American #Redbud #Tree Sports #Purple #Flowers But Needs Help …

American Redbud how to garden beginner gardener
American Redbud



It’s early Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. and our American Redbud tree is blooming pretty purple flowers! We planted a small twig about 7 years ago and the tree is now 10 feet tall! It may not be getting enough sun because the middle section of the tree is not flowering, but we will be patient and wait for signals from our American Redbud. Plants, shrubs and trees will let you know whether they are happy.

In the Mid-Atlantic area, American Redbud trees grow naturally and really don’t need fertilizer. In the interest of full disclosure, Lo put a generic fertilizer on the tree a few years ago without telling me. I assume it was not the type of fertilizer that a flowering tree likes … If anyone knows what might cause a flowering tree to not flower in the middle of the tree, please let us know! It could be too little sun since a large evergreen is blocking the southern exposure of the tree.


If you have room for a small, colorful tree in your landscape, visit your local Home Depot, Lowe’s, online Burpee Gardening or eBay for their selection of American Redbud trees. To learn how to plant, fertilize and prune your way to a gorgeous garden, subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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