6 Reasons to #Plant #Evergreens in #Autumn #Landscape!

Table Top Juniper Evergreen
Table Top Juniper Evergreen

Why does your landscape need evergreens? Here are 6 reasons:

      1. Evergreens provide structure to your landscape. In the winter, when there are no leaves on deciduous plants, evergreens maintain their foliage and color. They are the “bones” in your landscape.
      2. The provide color, texture, and interest year-round.
      3. Typically, evergreens grow large and fast. Evergreens fill in empty space very well.
      4. Evergreens provide screening and privacy. if you would like some privacy from your neighbors, a wide, tall evergreen fits the bill.
      5. Evergreens provide habitat for birds and insects.
      6. Evergreens add monetary value to your home and landscape because they improve curb appeal! Your property looks more attractive than your neighbors because you have gorgeous landscaping and they don’t!
      7. Can you think of any other reasons? If so, please comment below or tweet us @itsgardningtime
Fall Landscape (Red Salvia in foreground; Arizona Cypress in background; Table Top Juniper at base of Arizona Cypress)
Fall Landscape (Red Salvia in foreground; Arizona Cypress in background; Table Top Juniper at base of Arizona Cypress)



Table Top Juniper changes colors in the fall/winter. It turns from green to blue. It is a very attractive evergreen for any landscape. Behind the Table Top Juniper is an Arizona Cypress. It grows to about 20 feet tall and it is a stunning evergreen! It also turns blue in the fall/winter.

Check your local Home Depot, Lowe’s or online Burpee Gardening for their selection of evergreens! To see more of our evergreens, watch our Evergreens playlist on YouTube! To learn how to plant, fertilize and prune your way to a gorgeous garden, subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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