Carrots are the easiest vegetables to grow from seed because carrot seeds germinate and grow in cool, warm or hot temperatures. We sprinkled carrot seeds in a container and let it stay in our garage until the temperatures were above freezing. The germinated in 7-14 days and grew quickly after […]
It’s early Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and we are filling in our new garden space by transplanting Cannas from a container to the ground! We dug up the Cannas from a different location, put them in a container for a week, and now we are breaking […]
It’s late Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and we just received our Blue Salvia seeds from Park Seed. Look at how tiny the seeds are … they are so tiny that they are difficult to pick up with fingers, so we are just going to spread the […]
It’s early Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and we are trying our best to use natural methods to protect our plants! This morning, we discovered our container of Marigolds and Yarrow seedlings had a hole that looked like a squirrel is looking for a place to bury […]
We have been admiring Red Gerbera Daisies for the last few years at our local garden nursery. This Spring, we decided to buy a hanging basket of 4 daisy plants! We took 2 plants out of the hanging basket and planted them in separate containers, and we kept the original […]
We absolutely love coneflowers such as Purple Coneflower! We purchased Wild Berry Coneflower seeds from Park Seeds during the pandemic. The seeds we sowed in the ground didn’t make it, however the seeds we sowed in containers did germinate. We learned a very valuable lesson about growing coneflowers from seed […]
The entire world is in the midst of a Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic! Plant nurseries are closed. Home Depot is open during limited hours so there are long lines in the parking lots. State governors have issued stay-at-home orders. What’s a gardener to do? It’s planting season so we ordered seeds […]
Tropical Cannas are large showy plants with lush green leathery leaves and clusters of large bright flowers! One would imagine that they are too large for containers but they adjust very well. About one month ago, we dug up four clumps of Cannas from the ground. We placed one of […]
During peak gardening season, I suffered an injury that prevented me from gardening. I went to a local hotel to convalesce and heal. During the first 2 weeks, I couldn’t walk without severe pain and assistance. However, once I was able to walk unassisted, I took a nice leisurely walk […]
It’s summertime in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and we are admiring a huge container of Sweet Potato Vine & Petunias at a local hotel. The container is huge, about 3.5 feet tall and 2 feet wide. The Sweet Potato Vine cascades over the container and dominates the scene! […]
Whenever we visit Virginia Beach, we are always greeted with gorgeous flower displays along the boardwalk. This particular garden design was a layered arrangement of flowers and colors. In the background, purple salvia sets the foundation. The next layer is a mix of red geraniums and hot pink geraniums. Orange […]
Virginia Beach is one of our favorite vacation spots. We love taking a walk along the boardwalk or Atlantic Avenue and discovering new landscaping such as flowers, shrubs and trees. We visited just after the Memorial Day weekend and the hydrangea were in full bloom! Gorgeous pastel colors of pink, […]
It’s summertime in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. We have a gorgeous plant that is native to the Mid-Atlantic area, which is Black-Eyed Susans. They are perennials so they multiply and return every Summer. They do not need fertilizer; just full sun and water when they get dry. […]
Hostas are very easy to grow! They provide consistent color and gorgeous large leaves in your Spring and Summer garden or landscape. Hosta prefer shade or partial sun. If you have deer in your area, be sure to spray Bobbex B550125 Ready to Use Animal Repellent with […]
If you are a gardener, chances are something is eating your plants. Whether it’s insects, fungus, groundhogs, squirrels, rabbits, deer, or any other garden pest, it’s frustrating. Imagine waking up, looking out the window, and seeing a family of deer munching your plants! What Does Deer Damage Look […]
It’s early Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. and our American Redbud tree is just starting to bud! We planted a small twig about 8 years ago and the tree is now 10 feet tall! It may not be getting enough sun because the middle section […]
Lamb’s Ear is an interesting and unique ground cover. It has thick furry leaves, which is why it’s call Lamb’s Ear. Children love to touch Lamb’s ear because it is so unusual for leaves to feel furry! It is very easy to maintain. No pruning is necessary. We fertilize lightly […]
When I was in my early 20s, I loved watching gardening shows on PBS (Public Broadcasting System). The host would visit various gardens and showcase the plants. She slowly walked through the garden paths, stopped to touch the plants, share […]
During a walk at the mall on Thanksgiving weekend, we encountered a gorgeous shrub with red berries and a bounty of yellow, orange and burgundy leaves. The reason we like it is because it maintains interest and color throughout […]
Marigolds Easy to Grow from Seed! We have been experimenting with #growing #plants #flowers from #seed #seeds & have found that #marigolds #marigold #germinate quickly & #grow quickly from Seed! #nofilter #nofilterneeded #sowedseed #sowedseeds #flowers #flower #flowerstagram #flowersofinstagram #flowerpower #flowerpic #flowerpics #flowerphotography #garden #gardens #gardening #gardenerofinstagram #inmygarden #inmygardentoday #gardeningtips #gardenersworld […]
Does anyone know the name of this #butterfly #butterflies #butterfliesofinstagram #butterflylove #butterflygarden #butterflygardens #butterfliesarefree #nature #naturephotography #nature_perfection #naturelover #naturelovers #naturelove #nofilter #nofilterneeded A post shared by itsgardeningtime (@itsgardeningtime) on Sep 24, 2017 at 7:24am PDT What a gorgeous butterfly — Painted Lady! This is the first time we have seen […]
The key to keeping #redsalvia blooming is to #prune! A few weeks ago we #pruned the dead stalks & now we have gorgeous #red #redflowers #redflower that #hummingbird #hummingbirds #love! #flower #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #flowerpic #flowerphoto #flowerphotos #flowersofinstagram #flowerlove #flowerlovers. #container #containergarden #containergardening #containers #inmygardentoday #inmygarden #garden #gardening A post shared […]
During a visit to the Tidewater area of Virginia, we noticed 4 huge hanging baskets at a restaurant near our Hampton Inn hotel. When we take our after-breakfast walk, we usually encounter lovely displays of flowers, evergreens, and trees! The first hanging basket contains a profusion […]
It is officially Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and we have a bounty of gorgeous flowers joining our Summer Parade! White Four O’Clocks are the first to line up! The trumpet-like blooms open up in the evening … Yellow Four O’Clocks join White Four O’Clocks in our […]
It’s a rainy Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. so it’s a perfect time to sow seeds! This year we are sowing Lupine, Verbena, Zinnias, Impatiens, and Foxglove. Seeds are an inexpensive way to create a gorgeous garden! It’s great #seedsowing #weather #rainy & #cool #temperature Filled #containers […]
Several years ago, we planted one Asiatic Lily in this large barrel container. Now, we have a container full of Asiatic Lilies because they quickly multiply on their own! As the container became more crowded, we noticed that the Lilies stopped blooming. Our solution was to […]
It’s late Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A., and it’s time for our orange flowers to march in the Spring Parade! First up is Orange Asiatic Lilies! To learn more about growing Asiatic Lilies click here. Our second late Spring bloomer in the […]
It’s a cool Spring day in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and we are using the opportunity to transplant Asiatic lilies from a large container to the ground. Cool weather is perfect for planting and transplanting because it causes less stress on the plant. We use an […]
Four O’Clocks have trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom at night. During the day, the blossoms are closed. These low-maintenance perennials are very easy to grow and maintain. Four reasons to grow Four O’Clocks in your garden: Four O’Clocks are very easy to grow and require very little maintenance. There is no need […]
Daisies Daisies Daisies! Its late #spring #springtime in the #tidewater area of #southeastern #virginia & #daisies are #blooming! Lovely #whitepetals with #yellow #flower heads … Look closely & see a #redadmiralbutterfly feeding! #flower #flowers #flowerpic #flowerphotography #flowerphotograph #flowerphoto #flowerpower #garden #gardens #gardener #gardenchat #butterfly #butterflies #flowerstagram #itsgardeningtime #youtubechannel #youtube #youtuber […]
A Sea of Tickseeds! During an #afterbreakfast #walk encountered a #sea of #tickseeds #tickseedsunflower #tickseedcoreopsis in #newportnews #newportnewsva #newportnewsusa Gorgeous #yellowflowers #yellowflower #yellow #dainty #flowers #flower #flowerpic #flowerphotography #flowerphotograph #nofilter #garden #gardens #gardener #gardendc #gardenchat #gardening #gardeninspiration #gardeninstagram #flowerstagram #landscape #landscapes A post shared by itsgardeningtime (@itsgardeningtime) on May 31, […]
One of the most durable plants we have in our garden/landscape is Variegated Bishop’s Goutweed Groundcover. Variegated Bishop’s Goutweed can withstand very cold and hot temperatures. Variegated Bishop’s Goutweed is animal resistant (deer, rabbits, voles, gophers, groundhogs). Once Variegated Bishop’s Goutweed is planted, it is very difficult to […]
Due to cool and rainy Spring weather, our rosebush is much larger than usual. It is so large that it is crowding our Sonata in Blue Bearded Irises. The result is a stunning contrast of colors: red roses in the background and lavender Iris blooms in the […]
As a gardener, sometimes you encounter a gardening scene so gorgeous that you lose yourself … You can actually feel the stress leaving your body. The beauty of Mother Nature consumes you and you melt … On a Spring morning, I canvas the gardens looking for fresh blooms, and encounter […]
We spent the weekend traveling to the mountains of West Virginia. During a hotel stay, we noticed a beautiful garden of pansies! We miss having pansies in our garden because the rabbits and deer love pansies! Therefore, it was a special delight to see so many colors of blooming pansies. […]
We encountered a gorgeous shrub while traveling in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. The reason we like it is because it maintains interest and color throughout 4 seasons! Even in the cold of Winter, the red berries persist! […]
If you are a gardener, and have healthy trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals, they will attract wildlife to your garden and landscape! Last Autumn, we noticed a fat, furry, rodent-looking animal near the front of our home. We wondered what it was, but we weren’t alarmed. He probably spent […]
It’s early Spring in the mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and it’s a perfect time to prune our Blue Coreopsis shrub! Why? Blue Coreopsis blooms gorgeous blue flowers in Autumn, so pruning now avoids damaging flower buds and gives the shrub a boost. It is not necessary to fertilize Blue […]
It’s early Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and our Euonymus shrub has glossy green and gold leaves that brighten your landscape! This is a perfect shrub to establish a property line because it grows quickly! It maintains it’s leaves throughout all seasons, even in the […]
If you are a beginner gardener or master gardener, and you are looking for the absolute easiest flower to grow and care for, Daffodils are the perfect choice! In Autumn, plant the bulb 6 inches deep into the ground, pointy side up. Cover with soil and apply water. That’s […]
We have a very tall, gorgeous Leland Cypress evergreen that is almost 30 foot tall! We purchased it for $3 about 10 years ago. At that time, it was about 8 inches tall and very vulnerable to deer. We planted in near our deck to provide screening and privacy. Fortunately, […]
It’s late Winter in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and we have a Nor’easter coming up the east coast! Our Japanese cherry trees have already started to form buds, so we are very concerned about the snowstorm’s effect on the cherry buds … Snowstorm Coming & Japanese Cherry Tree […]
Buddleja, buddleia, butterfly bush. #flora #natura #nature #naturaleza #flores #flowers #bridge #buddleja #buddleia #butterflybush #green #botanic #botanica A post shared by Siu (@siuspot) on Mar 24, 2017 at 8:06am PDT We finally got a close-up photo of our Butterfly Bush flowers! Butterfly Bush Flower Cluster Attracts Butterflies! #butterfly #butterflies #butterflygarden […]
The Blizzard of 2017, also called Stella Blizzard 2017, made it’s way up the East coast of the U.S.A in March. It left only a couple of inches of snow in the Mid-Atlantic area, but it also left lots of ice! The reason we love evergreens in […]
It’s late Winter in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and in just a few hours, we are expecting a Nor’easter barreling up the east coast. The temperatures today are in the high 40s and the sun is shining bright! Our main concern is that our Spring-blooming plants […]
It’s late Winter and a Nor’easter snow blizzard is on the way up the East Coast of the U.S.A.! Our Japanese Cherry Tree buds are forming and we hope the buds survive the blizzard! Japanese Cherry Trees are very hardy, so we believe the cherry blossoms will be […]
A dusting of snow creates a Winter Wonderland! Evergreens add enormous value to your landscape because they provide structure, volume and beauty throughout all seasons. Even in the cold of Winter, your landscape is beautiful due to evergreens! One of the most engaging evergreens is Golden Globe Arborvitae! Why? […]
We have a tall tree on the outskirts of our backyard that turns brilliant red, yellow and orange each Autumn. Each leaf shows all 3 colors, which is very unusual. For many years, we didn’t know the name of […]
One of the most engaging evergreens is Golden Globe Arborvitae! Why? Golden Glove Arborvitae mesmerizes you with it’s golden-tinged, feathery leaves. Touch the leaves and reduce stress! Golden Arborvitae has a 3-dimensional look because the branches and leaves appear to be layered. Gaze deeply into Golden Arborvitae, and you […]
Why wait until Valentine’s Day to show your significant other how much you love them? Make every day Valentine’s Day! Our collection of bright red flowers remind us that red is the color for love! Red is hot, bright, and eye-catching! Our top left flower in […]
About 8 weeks ago, we sowed Zinnia seeds in small containers. They germinated within 7 days and grew to several inches tall within 3 – 4 weeks. At that point we began transplanting the seedlings to larger containers and in the ground. Every day or two, we check the Zinnias […]
The color purple is such a deep, rich color. It is understated and blends well with other colors in your garden. Our top left flower in the collage is Grape Hyacinth, a very pretty flower that sprouts from bulbs. The top right photo is “Sonata in […]
What is Container Gardening? Container Gardening is growing your favorite plants in a container. Containers come in various sizes so you can grow flowers, perennials, and even small shrubs in a container. If you have plants that multiply quickly, such as Bearded Irises, you can plant the extras in a […]
It’s early Autumn in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. We have grown Zinnias from seed this year, and they are gorgeous! However, Zinnias are susceptible to powdery mildew fungus. The worst thing you can do to Zinnias is water them with an overhead sprinkler. The water stays on the […]
When we turn the corner and walk down the hill, our Side Garden stands up and greets us everyday! It is full of low maintenance perennials that return every year. We don’t have to buy and plant new flowers, shrubs and vines. We just remove dead […]
It’s early Autumn in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. We had a little frost last night and our Big Red Roses are still healthy and blooming! Our rose bush is very large this year and produced large continuous blooms all Summer long and into early Autumn. We believe the […]
It’s late Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and our Liriope is blooming gorgeous purple flowers! Liriope is a perennial that is extremely easy to maintain. Liriope is a very interesting plant because it has variegated leaves (green and white stripes) as a backdrop to […]
It’s late Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. For the last few days, we have noticed a beautiful orange and black Monarch butterfly flitting around our garden. He loves our Zinnia flowers! We didn’t want to scare him away, but we sure wanted to capture him feeding on […]
On a Sunday morning in late Summer, we gazed upon a Black Swallowtail Butterfly as he fed on our Butterfly Bush! He fed for a long time so we were able to get a really good closeup of his beautiful colors! To learn how to care for Butterfly bush, […]
How to Get #Free #Vinca at #itsgardeningtime #vincagarden #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerpower #flowercandy #flowerart #flowerartgraphy #flowerarrangement #landscapes #landscape #landscapephotography #landscapelovers #gardens #gardening #garden #gardeningtips #gardeninglife #gardeninspiration #gardening101 #gardenlife A photo posted by itsgardeningtime (@itsgardeningtime) on Aug 21, 2016 at 8:20am PDT It’s a late Summer morning in the Mid-Atlantic area of […]
We have a garden in the shape of a triangle at the front of our property, so we call it our “Front Triangle Garden.” We have the following plants in our Front Triangle Garden: Zinnias Day Lilies Asiatic Lilies Tinkerbell Irises Lady Friend Bearded Irises Purple Salvia Blue Coreopsis […]
It’s late Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.A. and our Sedum Matrona is about to bloom! Sedum Matrona is a succulent plant that does very well in containers. It blooms clusters of light pink flowers. We have 6 reasons to grow Sedum Matrona in containers! Reason # […]
Tropical Cannas bloom large flowers throughout the Summer. The best way to encourage consistent blooms is to prune or deadhead just after the blooms fades. Tropical Cannas also like water and fertilizer such as Espoma FT4 4-Pound Flower-tone 3-4-5 blossom booster Plant Food. The below video […]
About 8 weeks ago, we sowed Zinnia seeds in small containers. They germinated within 7 days and grew to several inches tall within 3 – 4 weeks. At that point we began transplanting the seedlings to larger containers and in the ground. Every day or two, we check the Zinnias […]
We have a huge container of violet Petunias that return every year! We also have a gorgeous white Vinca that returned from last year! About 2 weeks ago, we transplanted 3 Zinnia seedlings to the container, and they are doing very well! We are looking forward to the Zinnia blooms […]
It’s early Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. It was a very hot day today, and while watering a few plants that looked thirsty, I noticed a perfect Red Rose! Our rose bush is large and producing continuous blooms this Summer. We believe the rains have helped. Scroll […]
We love our Zinnia seedlings! We planted Zinnia seeds about 6 weeks ago and they have grown very quickly! They are about 8 inches tall, however Zinnias are susceptible to fungus. As you can see in the video, fungus is growing around the stem. We have an organic solution we […]
Hens and Chicks are one of our favorite succulent plants. They look like puffy rosettes. The tips of the leaves are very sharp so you don’t have to worry about garden pests such as deer, rabbits, etc. The leaves of succulent plants retain water, so there is no need […]
It’s early Summer in the Mid-Atlantic area of the USA and our yellow Gladiolus are blooming! Gladiolus bulbs are very easy to plant. Plant them in the Autumn; dig a hole 6 inches deep and plant the bulb with the pointy side facing up. Fill the hole […]
We are vacationing in the hot, sub-tropical climate of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA! The Kingston Shores Resort has all of the Hilton brand hotels in one large resort, and a long boardwalk connects all of the hotel rooms, condominium, and timeshare buildings. After walking for about 20 minutes, we […]
We are vacationing in the sub-tropical climate of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA. During an after-breakfast walk, we encounter a small Hibiscus shrub that is blooming hot pink flowers! The Kingston Shores Resort of Hilton brand hotels includes the Royale Palm Condominiums, Embassy Suites, Hilton Beach Club, and Hampton Inn. […]
We are vacationing in the sub-tropical climate of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA. During an after-breakfast walk, we notice a very large shrub with white flower clusters that resemble Azalea flowers! The shrub is eye-catching and gorgeous! The leaves are about 3 inches long, glossy green, slender and pointy. If […]
Take a look at our gorgeous Day Lilies! A beautiful pink and yellow bloom has just unfolded and we are ecstatic! They are extremely easy to grow and maintain. They bloom every year, and we do very little to care for them. We just make sure that they are watered […]
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina USA is a sub-tropical climate, therefore we see lots of tropical plants that flourish in this climate! During an after-breakfast walk, we noticed a very large shrub with gorgeous magenta flowers! We don’t know the name of the shrub but the flowers look like azalea blooms. […]
The color white is a cool, calming color … Just gaze intently at the white flowers in your garden, and notice the calming effect they have on you … We have a few white flowers in our garden, starting with our Yucca plant at the top left […]
We have 2 White Asiatic Lily plants that bloom in early Summer every year. They are in our Side Garden, which the deer peruse at night. Very often, we miss out on these gorgeous blooms because the deer eat them before we can see them. However, this […]
We love Tropical Canna plants, which multiply on their own. One of our Cannas has grown in the middle of our Lady Friend Irises, so we are digging it up carefully, and moving it an empty spot in our Side garden. Imagine beautiful flowers that you don’t have to pay […]
We have a very large Yucca plant that has multiplied over the years. It doesn’t bloom because it doesn’t get much sun in the northern part of our yard, so we are digging up one of the plants and transplanting it to a sunnier part of our yard. We use […]
#orangeflowersarethebest We borrowed this hashtag from The Houseplant Guru after they admired our orange flowers on Twitter. We have lots of orange flowers in our garden! The top left photo is an orange Canna, which is a tropical plant that loves sun and water. Believe it or […]
Our Yucca plant blooms gorgeous white teardrop flowers in late Spring! It is a no maintenance perennial that serves 4 purposes in our landscape! The first purpose is to beautify our landscape, of course! It is an unusual plant because tall spikes grow from a mound of sharp-edged leaves. At […]
Plants are expensive, so to save money and test our green thumbs, we are growing from seed this spring! We purchased packets of Lupine, Marigolds, and Zinnias at online Burpee Gardening. Lupine is a new plant for us. Lo likes to try new plants, so he spends […]
We live in Zone 7, which gets very cold in the Winter. We would not expect for tropical plants to survive the Winter, and grow back in the Spring. However, we have perfected our method to encourage tropical plants to survive the cold Winter, and come back in the Spring! […]
If you are a gardener, then you will come into contact with all kinds of creatures! Some of them are friendly creatures, and some are scary creatures. This happens to be a pretty and interesting creature that we found near our back patio. Last year, we saw him on our […]
Tiger Lilies are among our favorite flowers. The big orange flowers brighten any garden! Here are 5 reasons to grow Tiger Lilies: They are very easy to grow. They multiply on their own. After they bloom there is no need to prune. They require very little maintenance. They provide a […]
A #combo of #roses and #lilies in #williamsburg #virginia! #pretty #red roses and #orange #asiatic lilies are #stunning ! #flowerphoto #flowerphoto #flowerphotos #flowerpics #flowerpic #flowerpoctures #flowerstagram #floweroftheday #flowerlovers #rose #lily #gardeninspiration #gardeninspired #gardeninstagram #gardeninspirations A photo posted by itsgardeningtime (@itsgardeningtime) on May 29, 2016 at 3:45pm PDT We are in […]
We are in Williamsburg Virginia, one of our favorite places! We have just finished breakfast and we are taking a walk to burn off some calories. We notice a row of beautiful rose bushes and stop to admire a yellow teacup rose bush! Williamsburg is in the southeastern region of […]
The official name for Golden Privet shrub is Ligustrum Vicaryl Golden Privet. It is an unusual name for a shrub but it is a stunning, eye-catching shrub that serves several purposes in your garden or landscape. This unique shrub has golden leaves in Spring that get a little more green […]
It’s a late Summer morning and we notice a nice contrast of plants in our Triangle garden … We have tropical Peach Canna, which hasn’t bloomed yet; and a background of Blue Coreopsis shrub. Blue Coreopsis is a low maintenance shrub. Tropical Cannas require more TLC because the Mid-Atlantic area […]
One of the secrets to beautiful Geranium flowers is to prune or “deadhead” the spent bloom as soon as it’s finished blooming. This video shows what the “spent” bloom looks like and how to “deadhead” it. One of our YouTube subscribers, Lew Scagnetti, says that pruning is best 2 – […]
Geraniums are very easy to grow and will give you large red clusters of flowers if they are happy! What are the secrets to big Red Geranium blooms? Geraniums are heavy feeders. They like to be fertilized once every week or two. We use an organic fertilizer. Pruning dead […]
Cistena is a large shrub that blooms light pink flowers in early spring. It is a member of the cherry family. Since it is a flowering shrub, we fertilize twice per year with an organic fertilizer Espoma PT18 Plant Tone, […]
It’s early Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. and our Crabapple tree is blooming! The flowers are a pretty magenta color! The blooms don’t last very long but they bring joy while they last! Crabapple trees grow quite large, so make sure you have ample room […]
It’s early Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. and our American Redbud tree is blooming pretty purple flowers! We planted a small twig about 7 years ago and the tree is now 10 feet tall! It may not be getting enough sun because the middle section […]
During the Winter of 2016, the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. had 30 inches of snowfall in a 24 hour period of time. It was a very heavy snow, and damaged many of our precious evergreens. It is now early Spring and we are surveying the damage. We […]
Primrose Blooming in Early Spring! #primrose are very easy to #grow & maintain #lowmaintenance #lowmaintenanceplants #deerresistant #deerresistantplants #deerresistantgardening #rabbitresistant #rabbitresistantflowers #rabbitresistantgardening #flower #flowers #flowerpower #flowerphotography #flowerphotos #flowerphoto #garden #gardens #gardener #gardendc #gardeningtips #gardeninspo #gardeninspired #gardeninstagram #landscape #landscapephotography #landscapes #itsgardeningtime #youtube #youtuber A post shared by itsgardeningtime (@itsgardeningtime) on Mar 26, […]
It’s early Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. and our Grape Hyacinth are in full bloom! Five reasons to grow hyacinth in your garden are: Hyacinth are hardy plants that require very little maintenance. Hyacinth are deer-resistant, rabbit-resistant, vole resistant, and squirrel resistant. Over time, hyacinth […]
The pics show our Side Garden in late Spring to early Summer. As you may know, it takes some work to get there. The video below shows our Side Garden after a long, cold and snowy Winter. Below the […]
It’s early Spring in the Mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. and our White Hyacinth are finally in bloom! Five reasons to grow hyacinth in your garden are: Hyacinth are hardy plants that require very little maintenance. Hyacinth are deer-resistant, rabbit-resistant, vole resistant, and squirrel resistant. Over time, hyacinth bulbs […]
After a long cold winter, a bright spot of yellow is a welcome sign of Spring! Daffodils are so easy to plant and care for … After digging a hole about 6 inches deep and planting the bulb (pointy side up) in a sunny spot, there is […]
Although the calendar says Spring is still weeks away, a Red-Bellied Woodpecker woke me up this morning. The steady pecking lasts about 7 seconds each time in the distance. We believe the same Red-Bellied Woodpecker comes back to our garden every year! One year, he pecked a […]